Thermal Imaging For Poultry Farming
Posted on Sunday 1st April 2018All objects emit infrared light. Infrared cameras measure this light and convert it to temperatures. This is then built into an accurate, colour-coded visual image. As a practical medium, thermal imaging fits well within poultry farming, where accurate temperatures are vital for the welfare of livestock. O.R.P Surveillance, experts in thermal imaging systems, design systems that gain the most from this technology platform. Their infrared cameras create a complex picture of the thermal environment, covering floor temperature, ventilation and the condition of housing, which is continually updated.
During brooding, thermometers can be poor indicators of the actual floor temperature due to warm air rising. O.R.P Surveillance’s cameras give a detailed picture of the temperature of the floor, highlighting cold spots. Where a non-contact thermometer takes one measurement, thermal imaging cameras take tens of thousands of measurements.
As well as this, O.R.P Surveillance’s thermal imaging cameras can be used to determine the condition of equipment. An insulated wall or ceiling that appears, to the naked eye, to be sound, may be proven to be compromised when viewed through thermal imaging. Likewise, the performance of a radiant heater that appears to be working normally may, through the use of our cameras, be shown to be inadequate.
Adding to all of this the convenience of being able to view this technology from a mobile phone or tablet device from anywhere around the world, means that O.R.P Surveillance is at the forefront of a technology which is making poultry farming easier to manage.