01743 884765

Road Traffic Survey Systems

Traffic surveys are costly, dangerous and time consuming exercises, often involving one or more manned stations to effectively collect relevant data.

Surely there's a better way... there is: The ORP Road Traffic Survey System.

The idea isn't new: Why not simply record the traffic flow and speed through the resultant footage...

However, getting the kit together in one integrated solution has never been easy. Of course, the separate components are all available, but putting it all together as a solution has never been attempted.

ORP have sourced the best quality equipment available and created a compatible, integrated package. Each kit is supplied ready to mount directly to existing poles or posts, or with our optional aerospace-grade extendible pole.

We've put a lot of time into researching this product so that you don't have to, and with glowing reports from councils around the country, we know that our efforts were worth it.

Benefits include:

  • Time saving: The kit is easily installed, and unlike manning real-time data capture stations, the footage can be scanned at faster than real-time
  • Cost effective: Nobody needs to be with the kit, saving on staff costs for whatever period is required
  • Health & safety: Survey vehicles are often parked, manned, in dangerous places such as junctions, with vehicle exhaust emmissions being another imminent danger
  • Symbiotic specification: Because ORP are experts in CCTV and digital recording equipment, we know precisely which components 'communicate' well, and each item in the Road Traffic Survey System is specifically chosen for quality, reliability, compatibility and flexibility
  • Record remotely, review at the office: A huge benefit is that the footage is stored digitally, with no tape or large discs to transport. The data collation can be done in the comfort of an office at a pace set by the surveyor, rather than the traditional hands-on, on-location approach

A more than flexible solution

The basic kit has been designed for most road traffic survey needs, but we can tailor the kit for practically any requirement. Call us now for more details on your own personal solution.

For more information, call our sales line on 01743 884765, or fill in our ring-back form below. 

Get in touch for more details

01743 884765


We do not employ high pressure salesmen

The person who visits you to understand your unique requirement is a fully competent systems installer with immense technical knowledge. Get in touch today.