01743 884765

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O.R.P offer Starlink Installation Services

Clients who entrust O.R.P with the installation of their Starlink equipment can expect a seamless and efficient process from start to finish. Our experienced technicians are dedicated to ensuring that every aspect of the installation is handled with precision and care. From selecting the optimal location for the satellite dish to configuring the Wi-Fi router, we strive to deliver impeccable service. With O.R.P, customers can rest assured that their Starlink equipment will be installed professionally and promptly, providing reliable internet connectivity for their home or business.


Factory Security Systems

Setting up a CCTV system in a factory requires careful planning and consideration of various factors to ensure comprehensive coverage and effective surveillance. Modern surveillance systems can be used for multiple purposes - factoring in where security has a need, and adding additional cameras onto the same system to streamline production processes, help with health and safety management, and aid in automating access control to site, as well as much more.

Read to find out what is typically required.


The Business of CCTV

Installing CCTV in a business setting is beneficial not only for Security, but for enhancing and simplifying many different aspects of managing a business, including health and safety, production prcocesses, access control systems, equipment monitoring, fire prevention, and footfall analysis. Here are 10 steps to follow when starting on your business surveillance journey, encompassing everything from camera placement to registration and regulation. 


PPE Compliance Using Video Analytics

PPE video analytics ensure staff and visitors do not stray into working areas without sufficient health and safety precautions. As soon as someone crosses over into a working area, then analytics in the surveillance system will detect whether or not that person is wearing sufficient PPE, such as hi-vis jacket, hard hat and eyewear. If they are not, then a report is sent in real time to site manager or safety officer, for example as an alert to their mobile phone, and in addition an audio visual alert can be set to sound out, warning the employee or visitor to exit the area.


Do I Need Permission to Install CCTV at My House?

If your CCTV system is within the boundaries of your privately owned property (including the garden), then you do not need permission to install it. Whilst you may not need permission to install CCTV, you do need to operate a surveillance system in a respectful and responsible manner, and design it to have as little impact on areas outside of your property as possible. You also need to consider that if you rent your home you will need to gain permission from your landlord, and if your property is listed then you should contact your local authority first.


Keeping an Eye on Your Off-the-Grid Assets with Solar-Powered Network CCTV Cameras

Protect your off-the-grid assets – such as the new build which hasn’t yet been connected to utilities; the livestock shed too far from the farmhouse to run cables; or the temporary compound to store plant equipment – by utilising a solar powered 4G Network camera.


Coco Coffee House Gets CCTV

Coco, the independent coffee house and social hub on the main street in Welshpool, Powys, has discovered that there are greater benefits to having a CCTV surveillance system installed than just for security.


Smart Alarms That Work Outside!

For a long time outdoor alarm systems have been lagging behind their internal intruder alarm counterparts, but now with the advent of long range, adaptable, wireless smart alarm systems you can enjoy the benefits of a smart alarm system that not only protects your home & work premises but actually catches intruders before they even touch your door!


Are CCTV Cameras Always On?

Whether a CCTV camera is always on depends on the type of camera, the use to which it is put to, and the age of the surveillance system. Most modern CCTV systems have cameras that are motion-activated – meaning they start recording as something in their field of view makes a movement.


Do Fake Security Cameras Work?

Fake, decoy, or dummy security cameras are designed to look like real cameras in appearance, but without the features or functions of a real one.


Pictures 'as sharp as anything': Safety boost as Market Drayton's CCTV network revamped

A suite of brand new CCTV cameras has been installed by ORP Surveillance in Market Drayton in the hopes of reassuring townspeople and deterring criminals.

Town mayor Roy Aldcroft told the Shropshire Star: "The pictures they produce are as sharp as anything. It's been a real great improvement."


Ludlow Town Centre Upgrades its CCTV System

Ludlow Town Centre, The Picturesque South Shropshire Medieval Market Town, Has Completed The First Phase Of Their Project To Upgrade Their Ageing CCTV Stystem To A Modern Wireless Advanced Surveillance System. The System, Designed and Installed By O.R.P Surveillance, Utilises The Best That Surveillance Cameras Have To Offer, Whilst Fitting In Asthetically With The Historical Town Centre. 


Active CCTV (or ‘Smart’ CCTV)

Active CCTV (sometimes known as smart CCTV) is a surveillance system that can decide for itself if movement on screen is something to worry about, it can tell the difference between human activity (be it on foot, or in a vehicle) and environmental ‘false’ alarms such as animals and foliage. In this way Active CCTV beats even high end alarm systems as even the most advanced motion detector can’t tell if it was triggered by a person or not.


New HD CCTV system installed in Ludlow to help make town safer

It is thanks to funding from Ludlow Town Council and West Mercia Police and Crime Commissioner John Campion.

The new state of the art system has seen more than 30 cameras of HD quality installed throughout the town.


Do I Need Permission To Install CCTV?

You do not usually require permission to install CCTV, unless your property is listed (when you will require listed building consent) or if you rent it (when you should gain permission from the building owner).


Join Our Team

An opportunity to join a small CCTV company based on the Shropshire/Powys border that specialise in the design, supply, installation and maintenance of high-quality digital CCTV systems.


Why Is My CCTV Camera Blurry?

There are many issues that may make your CCTV camera blurry. Read our expert advice on correcting any image quality issues with your CCTV.


Fly-Tipping & How To Deter It

Fly-tipping itself is described as the illegal dumping of waste onto land which does not have a licence to accept it. The term “on the fly” was used in the late 1800s to describe something on the move – it then became coupled with the word tipping for the act of tipping, hence the term fly-tipping.


CCTV And Your Rights

CCTV is used across a wide range of organisations for varying purposes. When using CCTV in the workplace, it is extremely important to ensure the rights of workers and whether or not CCTV use is justified. 


Introducing you to our Engineers

We would like to introduce you to another member of our team here at O.R.P Surveillance.
We have a team of three engineers. Olly Williams has been an engineer with us for two years next month.


Livestock Rustling on the increase

Livestock rustling is becoming big business for organised criminals with sheep thefts being carried out in ever greater numbers, rural insurer NFU Mutual has said.

Read here an article from the Daily Post which includes a quote from ORP Surveillance on how we are helping farmers have 'peace of mind'.


New & Improved Website launched

O.R.P Surveillance, specialists in the design, supply, installation and maintenance of high-quality digital CCTV systems, have launched a new and improved website.


Livestock Surveillance With O.R.P

Lambing and calving is a stressful time in the farming calendar, even if the weather remains mild. While nothing can replace visiting the sheds for being the best form of care for your animals, having a livestock surveillance system means that you can keep an eye on livestock without neglecting other duties.


Increasing Productivity For Poultry Farms

A blockage at a transfer point, spilling eggs onto the floor, is a scenario you may be familiar with. It’s time-consuming, messy and costly.


O.R.P Surveillance Against Fly Tipping

O.R.P Surveillance Ltd have been chosen to secure a number of waste recycling sites across Powys and are delivering high quality CCTV images of fly-tipping in all kinds of weather and lighting conditions, even in the most remote sites.


Thermal Imaging For Poultry Farming

All objects emit infrared light. Infrared cameras measure this light and convert it to temperatures. This is then built into an accurate, colour-coded visual image. As a practical medium, thermal imaging fits well within poultry farming, where accurate temperatures are vital for the welfare of livestock.


Nightvision CCTV Cameras

There are many different options for seeing in the dark, some often overlooked. In this news article we'll explore the advantages and disadvantages of each option, and which one best suits a particular situation.


Genesis PIR Detectors

The Genesis, wireless, PIR detectors from UK manufacturer, Luminite, are setting new performance standards for intruder detection.


Megapixel CCTV

Megapixel or HD CCTV cameras have been around for years now, but only recently have they become affordable to the vast majority of small business owners. Finally we can provide all of the benefits of these amazingly high quality cameras to all of our customers - because that's what we do, provide the highest quality, cost effective systems based on our customers unique requirements.


ORP Surveillance Goes Wireless

Thanks to recent advances in technology, O.R.P Surveillance is now able to offer wireless transmittion of images and controls using wireless ethernet at a much more affordable price.


Get in touch for more details

01743 884765
